Author's Note: This piece talks about how the main character of Fahrenheit 451 struggles to realize the truth. Once he figures it out, he struggles again to share the truth with his fellow firefighters. He has a power he is unaware of. I also compare him to the maids of The Help.
To have an opinion that could lead the way to a better world, is like being trapped on a mountain with no way down. Sharing the opinion would be to roll down the mountain, dealing with the bumps and rocks on the way down. But to hold back, is to stay at the top of the mountain wondering what would happen if you were to plummet to the bottom. Would you escape? Would you die trying? Speaking out is a risk not many people are willing to take.
Guy Montag, from Fahrenheit 451 is faced with a problem very similar. I believe he will prove to be a dynamic character throughout the book when he realizes that the worlds fate depends not only on his actions, but also on his voice. What he does and what he says, influence other to believe what he does. He might actually get enough people to make a change. He has influenced his neighbor and firechief that the world has other possibilities. Similar to the maids of The Help, Guy does not believe that he has the right to speak up. Unless he bundles up his courage and speaks out to his community, the maids will be waiting for him at the top of the mountain, where he will stay until he takes a tumble and plunges to the bottom.
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