Friday, January 27, 2012

Yellow, Blue & Orange Petals

Author's Note: This is my quote analysis from Fahrenheit 451 I chose the quote from Page 120:: "Montag caught [the flying book] with a bloom of fire, a wondrous blossom that curled in petals of yellow and blue and orange."

This particular quote shows how much Montag enjoys burning books. He likes the rush that the heat brings him and seeing the ash colored heads and soot smothered faces of his fellow fire men. The tone seems serene, which I noticed when I read how he resided to a state of peace while burning in the first part of the book. The way he compares the flames to flowers, possibly symbolizes how beautiful they both are. However, the flames he creates aren't campfires if he is referring to them as blue. These are hot, dangerous, death-causing fires. I don't think that he realizes how evil they are until he sees a women sent to ash along with her books. The purpose of this quote is to show how Montag honestly believed that what he did to books was virtuous. Having had no desire to ever pick one up and take in their lessons, Montag remains ignorant and immune to their addicting content and genuine morals.

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