Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Conclusion Acitvity

Author's Note: My Conclusion prompt was, Alice was at the Wonderland tea party, and the Mad Hatter questioned if she was edible. Here is the conclusion I chose to write, changing the original fairy tale and I liked writing the twist in the story that changes the readers opinion about the Hatter. I would like feedback on my dialog format and how I could change it.

Alice sat down next to the Mad Hatter, a mysterious man he was. He spoke normal sentences, he took normal steps, but he blinked much too often and sipped his coffee like there was no tomorrow. She felt comfortable here. Not only sitting next to this man, but in Wonderland in general. He was very polite and kept asking her if she wanted coffee. She refused; she knew what caffeine did to her, but just to make him happy she took a few biscuits.

"Just a few?" he had said, "Surely you'll want to fatten up, Wonderland isn't for skinny girls you know!"

Blink blink. She ate up and took a few more, and then tried asking for help getting to the Red Queen's tower.

"Oh, Darling, you won't make it there."

The Rabbit jumped up in shock, "Late! Alice is late! Alice run this man is a cannibal!"

Alice froze. The Hatter wasn't a cannibal! He was just quirky! They could be great friends after she defeated the queen.

"No my dear, this silly Rabbit hasn't had his morning coffee. You know, Rabbit," he said through gritted teeth," Say any more and you might need to join us for brunch too!"

"Brunch? Oh! What are we celebrating?" said Alice.

"Why, today is your Unbirthday!" replied Hatter.

"Unbirthday, well I don't think I've heard of such a thing." Alice said with a look of surprise.

"It’s rather like a birthday. Only unlike a birthday, the day of your birth, an unbirthday is the day of your,

um, well to simply state it, your death."

Before Alice could make a move, the Hatter lunged for her head. He grabbed her quickly and Alice celebrated a very gruesome Unbirthday. The Rabbit scurried off to the Red Queens Castle to report another death. Oh Alice was late, the Rabbit thought, much, much too late.

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